The Best Quotes by Socrates (Real Quotes with References)

Lennox Johnson Quotes

This page features a selection of the best quotes by Socrates. All of these quotes are real and references are given after each quote. Here are the best quotes by Socrates in no particular order: The unexamined life is not worth living. – as quoted in Plato, Apology, 28A, trans. Benjamin Jowett He, O men, is the wisest, who, like Socrates, knows that his wisdom is in truth worth nothing. – as quoted in Plato, Apology, 23B, trans. Benjamin Jowett I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old …

The Philosophy of Socrates: A collection of articles, videos, and podcasts

Lennox Johnson Resources

This page aims to make learning about Socrates as easy as possible by bringing together the best articles, podcasts, and videos from across the internet onto one page. To get started, simply choose one of the resources listed below: Encyclopedia Articles This section features articles from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The SEP is probably the most comprehensive online philosophy resource. It features in-depth articles on a huge number of philosophical topics, however, it is aimed at an academic audience and may be too …

The Six Best Books on Socrates

Lennox Johnson Books

From beginner-friendly introductions to classic books on Socrates, this page features books to suit any learning style. It’s important to note that there is no single best book on Socrates. The best book for you will depend heavily on your preferred learning style and the amount of time/energy you’re willing to spend reading. For example, if you tend to find classic works of philosophy difficult to understand, you might want to start with a short, beginner-friendly introduction. If you prefer more depth, you can choose a more comprehensive introduction or …

Why We Shouldn’t Trust the Opinion of the Majority – a short reading from Plato’s Crito

Lennox Johnson reading

“Then, my friend, we must not regard what the many say of us; but what he, the one man who has understanding of just and unjust, will say, and what the truth will say.” Introduction In the year 399 B.C., in Athens, Socrates was brought to trial on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth. He was found guilty and condemned to death. The Crito, written by Plato, is a dialogue between Socrates and his good friend Crito. It is set in Socrates’ jail cell the day before he is …

Socrates on the Examined Life – a short reading from Plato’s Apology

Lennox Johnson reading

“And if I say again that daily to discourse about virtue, and of those other things about which you hear me examining myself and others, is the greatest good of man, and that the unexamined life is not worth living, you are still less likely to believe me.” Introduction In the year 399 B.C., in Athens, Socrates was brought to trial on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth. He was found guilty and condemned to death. The Apology, written by Plato, is an account Socrates’ defense speech at the …